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Tuesday, November 27, 2012


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Gwen Delmore

Great post, I also love hand-written letters. I used to write long, long letters, but with the advent of email and Facebook, I find it a bit tedious to write them, I still love to receive them. I have always been one for instant gratification.
I would love a hand-written card, and will send one to you, as well!


pick me too!
I used to love taking a pile of paper and stamps to the coffeehouse and write my circle of friends. full on envelope decorating too.


Gwen and Celeste, you're both on the list!

letter opener

I, too, wrote many letters when I was younger. I do miss it. There is something cold and impersonal about emails and social networking. I do enjoy them, but it isn't the same. The element of surprise is gone, and often, there isn't the same sort of heartfelt honesty in the contents.

This was a beautiful post, and it has certainly inspired me to pick up my pen. Christmas letters for my loved ones this year!

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