I didn't plan to take such a hiatus post Artfest but I returned home with very little energy for much of anything. This last week I've started to feel renewed finally. I worked on some paintings that I'll post soon. Today I thought I'd share some Artfest photos.
Below is the journal bag I submitted to the gallery. This is wool felt that I pieced and embroidered freehand from a jellyfish sketch I did. It didn't sell so it's still available. I'm planning to open an etsy shop soon and this will be one of my first listings.
For my general trades I made a zine. This is my second Artfest zine and this year included art and articles from my Artfest housemates. I was pretty happy with it. I still have a few ot these available as I got completely overwhelmed by the trading this year. If you'd like one e-mail me and I'll send them until I run out. My e-mail is tmabbott63 at msn dot com.
Trading was even more fun this year than usual. People shared such a variety of art and ephemera. I enjoy seeing what people think of bringing. I'll post a few favorites in the next day or two. Here's the start of the first night trading frenzy. The tables were so close together, there wasn't enough room to walk around with my camera and trades so this is the only shot I got.
I stayed in an officer's house with an amazing group of women. I was so very fortunate to have the opportunity to make new friends and spend time with old. I really missed those who weren't able to join us this year.
First up is Lelainia, who organizes the house I stay in each year. She's showing a necklace I made her in trade for a gorgeous supply box she made me last year.
Here's Sharon Dibble and Jacque Book. I'm seriously envious of Jacque's last name.
Next is Joan Weed and Lana Tucker. They're fabulous porcelain artists.
Last but not least, that's Penelope Harris and Dawn Shepherd.
Each year the housemates have done a project. This year Lelainia came up with the idea of an inspiration deck. Housemates past were invited to participate as well and it turned out amazing. I've never made an ATC before so this was actually quite challenging for me. The artwork and the inspiration prompts came to me quickly but getting it all to the proper size was far more challenging than I anticipated. In the end it still wasn't right but I ran out of time. It will forever be a record of my struggles.
That's my three cards on top.
Lelainia did the finish work on each our inspiration cards and put it together in the beautiful packaging. She rounded each and every corner on each and every card. An astonishing feat when you realize that there are 30 cards in each deck and there were 9 decks to make. She also made the little rectangle booklet showing recording everybodys contact info and contributions to the deck.
Our first night there, we gathered around the dining room table to see the inspiration deck for the first time and trade. This group of women was amazingly generous. I felt like it was my birthday and I was being showered in gifts from friends who truly got me. Now I always love my birthday and I don't recall ever getting a gift I didn't like, but this was a unique experience.
It's going to take a few more posts to cover everything. It's fun to look back at it now. I'm finally feeling inspired by what I learned and saw. I hope to post again tomorrow but the weekend is jam packed so it may be a couple of days. It's gorgeous here in Seattle. We have a few childfree hours and have a birthday gift to pick-up so I'm off to the University District streetfair.