Yesterday was a wonderful mail day. I received my Artfest registration confirmation and I was assigned to my first choice classes. There were many I would have enjoyed taking but I was really wanting
LK's Poetic Eye I class and
Keith Lo Bue's Working With Wire class. Two favorite teachers and two favorite mediums.
Getting ready for LK's class is going to be a fabulous journey in itself this autumn and winter.
I also received my copy of a collaborative book I was involved with. This project was organized by Penelope Harris in Canada and the topic was the story of colors. I enjoyed the care with which she wrapped this lovely little package.
The thoughtfulness of the book design is wonderful as well. Each color has it's own tab. Every contributor wrote an small original story to highlight the personality of their color and created a piece of art to accompany it.
I enjoy collaborations such as this occasionally. I think I need to limit myself to one, possibly two a year though. They provide an opportunity to stretch myself since I'm working to someone elses "rules" and the final product is lovely. I find that I can let them distract me from painting and jewelry making though. An easy excuse.
I've been re-reading Art and Fear. I'm realizing I have created countless pieces in my head that never get worked out on the canvas or with the metal because I get frustrated with not being able to execute my vision. Of course, the way to be able to execute the projects I conceive is to keep on making more art but I just keep forgetting that. Things like the day job, the child, my partner, legitimately consume the bulk of my time.
What I've been avoiding examining is what's taking the rest of my time. I also need to look at how I can capture more time. None of this is unique or new. The artists I most admire have figured out how to make work in spite of the challenges. I know they haven't figured it all out all the time but they seem to have struck a balance I'm not finding yet.
Ah well, with that completely unoriginal idea, I'm off to bed.
P.S. I forgot to take photos of the artwork inside while it was daylight. I'll do that next time.